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Dear Friend:

i don't hate homosexuais! But as a mother, I must protect my children from their evil in-


And I am sure you have heard about my fight here in Dade County, Florida, and nationwide for the rights of my children and


But I had no idea my speaking out would lead to such frightening consequences: Ugly persecution at the hands of militant homosexual groups.

The attempted black listing of my career.

Constant bitter threats to shut me up for good.

Misguided individuals hounding me and my family even when we go to church.

All this, because I stood up for my children---as a mother-as an American-as a Christian.

Then, when the militant homosexuals lost the public vote in Dade County, their friends in New England burned the Holy Bible!

And now there is even a motion picture being produced that portrays Jesus Christ as a homosexual.

That's why i am writing you today-because I cannot remain silent while radical, militant homosexuals are raising millions of dollars and waging a campaign for special privileges under the disguise of civil rights.

And they claim they are a legitimate minority group. Do you realize what they want? They want to recruit our school children under the protection of the laws of our land.

Already San Francisco has a local ordinance with age of consent down to 14, and the school board has ordered homosexuality to be taught as an alternate life-style in all the sex education classes.

All this is why I have formed a new organization "Protect

America's Children." And I am concerned about more than just one problem.

In fact, I am going to speak out against all the evil forces

that threaten our children and

the security of our families and all individuals.

But first, I must turn to persons like you for advice. I must know what problems concern


Therefore, I am enclosing one (1) Official Public Opinion Survey Ballot for you. Furthermore,

am requesting you to mark your ballot immediately and return it to me. Your vote will be

held in strict confidence, and my office will tabulate the opinions, so that when I write my books. give interviews and appear on nationwide television, I will be able to represent your concerns as well as my own.






... and non catholics too


P.O. BOX 18479 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44118








(216) 131-6709

Re.. C. Shawn Farrell Pastor

Services Sunday 2p.m. Faith Assembly Church Allyn &Wheeler Streets


For example, how do you stand on survey question number one?

Question Number One: Do you approve of legislation allowing known practicing homosexuals to teach in public, private and religious schools?

Please mark your ballot to indicate that you either approve, disapprove, or are undecided. And remember, militant homosexuals want their sexual behavior and preference to be considered respectable and accepted by society...They want to recruit your children and teach them the virtues of becoming a homosexual. One militant homosexual group actually publishes a newsletter giving techniques to entice and recruit young men to commit unnatural sex acts. And Churches are even ordaining open homosexual preachers! Can you imagine? Doesn't the sin of open homosexual behavior rank right along with adultery and incest?

I don't hate homosexuals. I love them enough to tell them the truth--that God hates sin but he loves the sinner and he will forgive any sin if the sinner repents of his sin...and not flaunt it or ask the law to condone it. And I want to help them find the love of Jesus in their own hearts and return to God's moral law. But I insist they leave my children and your children alone. We must not give them the legal right to destroy the moral fiber of our families and our nation. I must--and I will-protect my children. How do you vote on this issue? That brings me to Survey question number two.

Question Number Two: Do you favor stricter laws controlling child pornography?

Please keep in mind that the use of young children in obscene magazines and films is growing. Even five and six year olds are being photographed and used for perverted sexual appetites.

Sometimes, for the price of an ice-cream cone, a child will pose naked for a porno film...and the laws of our land make no distinction between children and adults who serve as models. Therefore, companies selling porno pictures of children escape prosecution because the law says that naked children are no more obscene than naked adults. In other words, sexually explicit pictures of children are not considered legally obscene! What a sorry state of affairs. And what a terrible attack on the values of our American life.

I believe that all sexual pictures of children must be banned by the law, regardless of whether or not the pictures are "legally obscene." And I believe that everyone who engages in this sinful profit should be arrested...the producer, the photographer, the printer, the distributing agent and even the salesman in the bookstore. If the Jaw Proteoffihe child-0or

nographer, then the law must be changed! As William Penn once said, "Men must be governed by God, or they'll be ruled by tyrants.

Finally, what about the problem right in your own living room?

Question Number Three: Do you favor the elimination of Rrated movies from television and stricter controls governing sex and violence on TV?

That TV set in your home has the power to destroy your family. Your children are being taught to: commit cold-blooded murder, rape, steal, get drunk, and sell drugs, set fire to schools, run away from home, use vulgar language, and become prostitutes. In brief, sex, violence, beatings, rape, and sexual perversion is an everyday affair and happens nightly in your living room in full view of your children. Is the answer to smash your TV set? Perhaps. But first, let's try to clean it up.

You and I must share the blame with the TV producers. We have not spoken out. We have failed to stand up for our convictions.

Your children know what's going on. When an R-rated movie is being shown, the explicit rape scene may be cut...or when the axe splits the skull of a kindly old man, you don't see his brains spill out on the pavement, but your child knows what has happened. All this is such a shame because television can be a wonderful form for good. Will you cast your ballot on these burning issues threatening our daily lives? must hear from you immediately, because I cannot carry on this fight by myself. Some liberal newspapers are saying "Anita Bryant should be shut up? But what do you say? Shall I be silent? And if you want me to speak out, will you consider sending a special love gift to support the work of Protect America's Children?

I am following the leadership of the Lord, and already it has cost me a great deal, but it is worth it to protect my children and yours...and take a stand for what the moral and right in our nation. My husband, Bob Green, has been with me since this fight first started, and as the Bible says, "If God be for you, who can be against you?" I have a peace with my Lord that surpasses all.

Dear Anita:

(Signed) Anita Bryant Green

Your religion says homosexuality is wrong by your religious interpretation of the Bible. Christianity is not the only philosophical belief there is, you know. You have your rights under the U.S. Constitution, but don't forget, so do we.

originally made homosexuality a taboo because they needed all their energy to produce and raise children due to a very small world population. (Survival of the species was a priority). Today, due to overpopulation and technological change, that taboo continues only to exploit and enslave us. In answer to your Question 1.

Yes, I approve of legislation allowing known practicing homosexuals to teach in public, private and religious schools providing they do not have sexual relations with their students or do not impose their lifestyles on the students. Most children today have a mind of their own and their own roots of a lifestyle are formed by the age of twelve. Only a very small percentage of homosexuals are child molestors; in fact, police statistics show that 95% of child molestation is heterosexual in nature.

In answer to your Question 2.


Only a very small segment of pornographers today make or sell pornography featuring small children and the majority of those pornographers heterosexual. Much of the child pornography today is imported. It is already illegal to sell or make this type of pornography. I feel the problem has been law enforcement; however, I do not favor stricter laws, just better enforcement. This problem is not quite as major as you think it is.

In answer to your Question 3.

I do not favor elimination of Rrated movies from TV. I feel the problem lies with better parental guidance. Life today is unfortunately harsh and has always been. R-rated movies should be portrayed as life really is and not made to appear as a goodygoody fairy tale. Idealism is fine. but not in R-rated movies.

In all my dear Anita, I feel you have forced yourself and your beliefs upon us and expect us to accept them. You must quit lumping everything that you feel is bad and labeling it homosexual. You yourself are quite militant in many ways. We are just trying to live and let live, dealing with the burden of everyday life. Our struggle as gays is to eliminate oppressive patterns that you straights have burdened us with. All we are trying to do is to eliminate the heterosexual myths about us. Once the oppression is gone and when guilt feelings imposed on us are gone, there will be less sexually sick individuals around.

I see that this past month you have called upon your followers to contribute $250,000 to your "Protect America's Children Campaign" so as to establish a center to treat homosexuals. I also saw a list of where your centers are to be located and noted that Cleveland was on the list. Save your money Anita, or haven't you lost enough

Nature has left the object of sexual desire undefined. The gender of that object is imposed already? by society containing bigots such as yourself. You certainly must realize that, humans

(Signed) Steve Jebe